School Challenge
USA Fit School Challenge wants to encourage youth to participate in fitness programs!
Are you part of the “Fittest” school in town? The school with the most participants (combined from all 3 events) will win the right to display our Fittest School Traveling Trophy for the next year and $250.00 in PE equipment. There are 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes as well. (Schools must have a minimum of 25 participants to qualify).

Jan Schiff Elementary (FBISD) is the 2024 Fittest School…will your school take the Trophy away? Second place is Anne Sullivan Elementary (FBISD).

School teams with at least 25 participants (combined from all 3 events) also benefit by receiving a donation from the USA Fit Marathon Event of $5.00 per participant (participants using a discount code to register do not qualify). School Team Captains can follow their progress and donations are mailed after the event.
If you are interested in having your school participate, please email us at for more details and to get started.